About Me

Certified Parent Coach

As an internationally certified Parent Coach, it is now my endeavour to help parents find the joy in parenting despite its challenges and hurdles.

I am a proud and happy mother of three….a son, a daughter & a shihtzu !

Of all the roles I play, being a parent is the one that fulfils me most. I would love to see more parents enjoy the rollercoaster ride with their kids and feel energised to take on whatever each day may bring !

" There are no perfect parents or perfect children just a million perfect moments along the way "
- Unknown

More About Me

I began my journey in 1998 as a Special Needs teacher.

With a Masters in Special Education, I have spent the last 2 decades as a School Principal. Curriculum Development, Administration, Program Development, Event Planning, Student Management, Parental Guidance have been all a part of my daily work.

Setting up Learning Resource rooms, conducting Parent workshops, Teacher training have been a part of the journey as an Educator.

I have been trained by YMHFA (Youth Mental Health First Aid) to provide first aid to children or youth who may be at risk for Mental Health concerns.

Under my leadership, the school has received multiple awards and recognitions that placed it at the top 3 schools in the country and number 1 in the city almost every year for the last decade.

Working with hundreds of families over the past 25 years, it is so apparent that every child has his own journey and to enable it we must delve into ourselves as parents and caregivers to find the way that works best for us as a family.

I have been fortunate to be recognised for my work and am proud to share that I have received the honour of being featured in

  • An elite list of “50 under 50”
  • One of “99 Achievers of India”
  • One of 33 Women Achievers of 2023 by the Indian Achiever’s Club.

What is a Parent Coach ?

A parent coach is an individual who provides support to parents who are facing parenting issues.

Unlike medical professionals who specialize in diagnosing or intervening with mental health issues and other health concerns, a parent coach gives you support and encouragement to face the tough world of parenting.

A parent coach works with caregivers and parents to understand the challenges they face in everyday life, in a non-judgmental way, and coach them through making positive changes that are in line with their values, while being sensitive to parenting style and family context.

There may be a period in your parenting journey when you feel like you just don’t have the specific tools you need. You might feel like you need someone to be there with you in real-time to navigate tricky situations.

Generally speaking, parent coaching is intended to be a short-term relationship between the coach and parent(s) in which the coach supports the family with advice on how to solve current issues the family is facing.

What I can help you with?

  • School refusal
  • Sibling rivalry
  • Eating troubles
  • Tantrums
  • Teenage challenges
  • Behaviour challenges
  • Igniting motivation in the child
  • Study skills & good work habits
  • Screen time troubles
  • Developmental delays
  • Parenting during transition or crisis (new school, new home, illness, broken families, etc)
  • Gender Identity Problems
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Academic related problems
  • School related issues
  • Screen time management
  • Bullying
  • Peer related issues
  • Stress-related parenting issues
  • Developing EQ
  • Establishing boundaries
  • Behaviour Modification Techniques
  • Gender Identity Problems
  • Identifying and assisting in the creation of solutions to any practical issues that come up

What you will gain ?

  • Feeling less stressed
  • Become more confident as a parent
  • Better Communication
  • Better understanding of your kids at different stages of development.
  • Learn Best parenting practices
  • Understand your kids better
  • Confidence to deal with certain behaviours
  • Strike work - life balance
  • Set priorities in your life
  • Work on improving relationships
  • Setting boundaries
  • Answers to Parenting questions
  • Knowing if you’re on the right track with your child
  • Better relationship with the Co-parent, other family members
  • Self Care
  • A Positive Home Environment
Contact Me
Piya Marker Services

Services Provided

Some parents seek Parent Coaching for a specific struggle with their kids such as disciplining, getting their kids to sleep, or difficulty getting their kids to listen. As a parent coach, I help guide and give you the skills to get through the struggles and challenges of raising children. We work together to create custom solutions that will work for you, and your kids, in your family.

Individual Coaching

Working with a parent either mother or father to help them bring about positive changes in their relationship with their child that will in turn strengthen the bond and achieve the goals for their child. Give them a chance to focus on themselves to be happier individuals and parents.

Couples Coaching

Coaching couples to help them parent their child as a team. Bringing individual parenting styles and their unique skills to achieve the goals for their child. Coaching couples to be effective parents for their child and in turn strengthen the family bond & bring about positive changes overall within the home

Group Coaching

Working with a group of parents at the same stage of the parenting journey, dealing with similar challenges or goals. Learning from one another to take best practices back home from the group. Knowing that as unique as our own situation is, parenting challenges are universal.


Parenting is tough but it is even tougher to meaningfully accept that our kids grow up. With that growth, it is our mindset and approach that needs changing. We reached out to Piya to help us with improving our daily interactions with our daughter. Piya’s insights helped us tremendously. Piya is calm, composed and yet really focused during our conversations. In her unique gentle way, Piya helped us recalibrate our own approach and thought process. There is no quick fix to any issue and Piya holds your hand through the process. Tips and insights she provided made us look at our processes in a new light. We better understood the differences in our parenting styles and how to work with those differences, to be a team when it comes to our kids. With her help, we continue to chip away, to make ourselves better parents. We would highly recommend reaching out to Piya.

Shikha & Gaurav

As a divorced parent of a 4 year old boy, I was very conscious about how to maximise my limited time with my son and to be able to build a strong bond as well as all the parenting challenges that arose out of our situation. From the very outset, I knew that reaching out to Piya was a step in the right direction. From her patient listening to her fabulous advice, I feel our sessions have made a world of difference! Thank you Piya for giving me the tools to stay calm, controlled and mindful in my relationship with my son. It has truly helped me realise the strength a parent and a child have together!

Rehaan Bharucha

Hello, my name is Munazza I have 2 children 16 & 12 years old. I recently was coached by Ms. Piya Marker and found it to be very beneficial. The process was focused on improving communication with my children and creating a more positive home environment. Over a span of 10 sessions, she provided me with a lot of practical tips and strategies for communicating effectively with my kids. One of the things that I found most helpful was learning about active listening. She explained to me that active listening involves fully focusing on what our children are saying, acknowledging their feelings, and responding with empathy. I also learned about the importance of setting clear boundaries and consequences for our children's behavior. She stressed upon the importance of being consistent with these boundaries and following through with consequences when necessary. Overall, being coached was a great opportunity to learn from a professional who is a parent herself. I left feeling empowered and equipped with new tools to improve my relationship with my children. I highly recommend coaching if you have the chance. It's a great way to gain new insights and support in your parenting journey.

Munazza Siddiqui

A whole new perspective on being a parent in a changing world! As a working mom, with a child with needs growing up an ever-changing environment, my experience being coached by Piya was wonderful. Her practical approach to real life situation, vision and understanding of me as a person, my passion and beliefs, made my coaching experience a time of growth and helped me look deeper into being myself, discovering who I am as a parent, and identifying systems and processes within my life that can be adjusted and developed to support our family. She helped me see my own blind spots and I found a new appreciation for my children, my love for them and recognition of what I can give and share as a parent. I would recommend parents from any walk of life to go through this process with her! Thank you Piya for helping me discover myself as a coach, parent and a woman!

Rene Smal


Parent coaching is a type of coaching that focuses on providing guidance and support to parents to help them improve their parenting skills and achieve their goals as parents.

Any parent or caregiver who wants to improve their parenting skills and enhance their relationship with their child can benefit from parent coaching.

Parent coaching can help parents improve communication with their children, set and maintain boundaries, develop effective discipline strategies, and build stronger relationships with their children.

A parent coaching session typically involves a conversation between the parent and the coach, where the parent shares their concerns and goals related to parenting. The coach then provides guidance and support to help the parent achieve those goals.

The length of a single parent coaching session is between 45 minutes to 1 hour. The duration of the process can vary depending on the needs and goals of the parent. Some parents may only need a few sessions, while others may benefit from ongoing coaching.

A parent coach may come from a variety of backgrounds, including psychology, education, social work, or coaching. Many coaches have specialized training in parent coaching and may hold certifications or degrees in related fields.

Yes, parent coaching can be done online through video conferencing platforms or phone calls.

Yes, parent coaching sessions are confidential, and coaches are required to maintain the privacy of their clients.

As the name suggests, a Parent coach will only work with the parent, guide and help them find solutions to meet the challenges they are having as parents. The parent coach does not work with children.

Learn all about Parenting from my blogs

Effective Parenting

Being an effective role model as a parent is crucial for your child's development and growth. Here are some key ways to be an effective role model.

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The Balance Between Supervision & Giving Freedom

When it comes to giving your tween independence while still ensuring their safety and well-being, here are a few strategies and monitoring tips you can consider

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What To Do When You See Your Child Becoming A Bully

If you discover that your child is engaging in bullying behavior, it's crucial to take action promptly. Here are some steps you can take.

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About PCI (Parent Coaching Institute)

The Parent Coaching Institute, a training organization, is the originator of parent coaching, setting the highest standards for parent coaching professionals. Through an innovative coaching model used to energize, assist, and inspire parents, co-creating with them new levels of family fulfilment and parent empowerment. PCI Coaching Model is a year-long, graduate-level, Parent Coach Certification® Training Program, under the auspices of the Department of Education at Seattle Pacific University.

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